
Showing posts from October, 2020

Appearance are deceptive

Deception is defined as an untrue falsehood, or is the act of lying to or tricking someone. An example of deception is when you tell someone you are 30 when really you are 40. Deceptive appearance People, often are able to put illusions into someone's head, which can manipulate how they think and this affects the person's judgment on what is reality. ... In the play, these illusions prevent the characters from seeing the reality of their situations and help bring them to disaster. One of the contributing factors to the stigma of mental illness is that it’s often not readily visible.  Whether we’ll admit it or not, we are a society that likes to see it to believe it. When was the last time you heard “but she doesn’t LOOK sick”? Or the converse “she looks SO depressed”. And that’s not just for mental illness – how often have we weighed in on whether a co-worker was really ill enough to call in sick, or shouldn’t have come to work because they were too sick. Just the o